Standards on Agro, food, forestry and related products and services

(4 sub sectors)

European and International standards for Agriculture, Food, Forestry and related products and services. CEN standards and ISO standards. AGROFOODFOREST

Technical committee

Related standards or drafts

Find all the European and International standards related to the Agro-food sector. From product characteristics, to agricultural and food safety, related machinery and test methods.

Some topics applicable to Farming include:
- Farmer organization
- Farm management
- Equipment for internal farm work and husbandry
- Farm management information systems
- Organic farming
- Equipment for agriculture
- Bulk Milk Coolers on Farms
- Fertilizers
- Plant biostimulants
- Prerequisite programmes on food safety

European and international standards applicable to forests and forestal products and systems:
- Forestry products
- Estimation of emission rates from treated wood
- emissions from preservative treated wood to the environment
- Forest fire incidents
- eCall for UNECE Category T, R, S agricultural/forestry vehicles

Examples of topics covered by standards for fish, fish products, fish farms are:
- Environmental impact on finfish farms
- Traceability of crustacean products
- Traceability of finfish products
- Electrical installations on and about sea and inland water located fish farms