Summaries of references to harmonised standards under several EU Directives - European standards providing presumption of conformity has developed a system to track harmonised standards (European and international standards supporting the implementation of relevant EU Directives and Regulations - including harmonised standards - ) and obtain them in a very convenient way. Our website provides - in a single place - information that is provided by separate websites, such as CEN, CENELEC or ETSI and the European Commission or Eur-Lex. This is just one of the range of services that are positioning as the reference website in Europe for European and international standards in support of EU legislation as well as standards in support of Testing and Certification in Europe.

The list of updated summaries of references to harmonised standards can be found on the page, and include essential New Approach and New Legislative Framework Directives and Regulations such as:
- the Machinery Directive (MD), -- the Low Voltage Directive (LVD),
- the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMCD),
- the In Vitro Diagnostics Medical Devices Regulation (IVDMDR or IVDMD), or
- the Medical Devices Regulation
amongst many other European and international standards providing presumption of conformity with relevant requirements in relevant pieces of EU legislation. In addition, the summaries also include European standards supporting the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), which provide for presumption of safety as foreseen in this Directive. also has a section to regularly check and track the development of draft European standards and draft International standards that are intended to support such EU Directives and Regulations in the future.

Companies, in particular, Small and Medium enterprises, can benefit from this service that is regularly and timely updated. Moreover, other references to European and International standards - beyond harmonised standards - are also included daily, in order to facilitate the compliance of products and services to be offered in the European market.