Summary of references to European Standards published in the Official Journal (as of 2022-01) in support of the General Product Safety Directive

This page provides a consolidated list of references in support of the General Product Safety Directive (Directive 2001/95/EC). It is provided for informative purposes. This list was checked and updated as of 2022-01-06.

According to Article 3 of General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), a product shall be presumed safe as far as the risks and risk categories covered by relevant national standards are concerned when it conforms to European standards, the references of which have been published by the Commission in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

DISCLAIMER: This is an informative page, providing added value information on standards. Information may evolve and change subject to the publication of other legislative texts. informs their users that users are responsible for deciding the version of the standard that is applicable to their products, and not As a consequence, users are encouraged to check the latest versions of the legal text accessible through the EUR-LEX website

Please see at the end of the page an interactive list of the standards cited in the Official Journal in support of the GPSD, where you can click and obtain additional information or obtain the standards.

No | Reference of the standard | Title of the standard

| EN 581-1:2006 | Outdoor furniture — Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use — Part 1: General safety requirements

| EN 913:2018 | Gymnastic equipment — General safety requirements and test methods

| EN 914:2008 | Gymnastic equipment — Parallel bars and combination asymmetric/parallel bars — Requirements and test methods including safety

| EN 915:2008 | Gymnastic equipment — Asymmetric bars — Requirements and test methods including safety

| EN 916:2003 | Gymnastic equipment — Vaulting boxes — Requirements and test methods including safety

| EN 957-2:2003 | Stationary training equipment — Part 2: Strength training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

| EN 957-6:2010+A1:2014 | Stationary training equipment — Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

| EN 957-7:1998 | Stationary training equipment — Part 7: Rowing machines, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

| EN 1129-1:1995 | Furniture — Foldaway beds — Safety requirements and testing — Part 1: Safety requirements

| EN 1129-2:1995 | Furniture — Foldaway beds — Safety requirements and testing — Part 2: Test methods

| EN 1130-1:1996 | Furniture — Cribs and cradles for domestic use — Part 1: Safety requirements

| EN 1130-2:1996 | Furniture — Cribs and cradles for domestic use — Part 2: Test methods

| EN 1273:2005 | Child use and care articles — Baby walking frames — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 1466:2014 | Child use and care articles — Carry cots and stands — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 1651:1999 | Paragliding equipment — Harnesses — Safety requirements and strength tests

| EN 1930:2011 | Child use and care articles — Safety barriers — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN ISO 4210-1:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 1: Terms and definitions (ISO 4210-1:2014)

| EN ISO 4210-2:2015 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 2: Requirements for city and trekking, young adult, mountain and racing bicycles (ISO 4210-2:2015)

| EN ISO 4210-3:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 3: Common test methods (ISO 4210-3:2014)

| EN ISO 4210-4:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 4: Braking test methods (ISO 4210-4:2014)

| EN ISO 4210-5:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 5: Steering test methods (ISO 4210-5:2014, Corrected version 2015-02-01)

| EN ISO 4210-6:2015 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 6: Frame and fork test methods (ISO 4210-6:2015)

| EN ISO 4210-7:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 7: Wheels and rims test methods (ISO 4210-7:2014)

| EN ISO 4210-8:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 8: Pedal and drive system test methods (ISO 4210-8:2014)

| EN ISO 4210-9:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles — Part 9: Saddles and seat-post test methods (ISO 4210-9:2014)

| EN ISO 8098:2014 | Cycles — Safety requirements for bicycles for young children (ISO 8098:2014)

| EN ISO 9994:2006 | Lighters — Safety specification (ISO 9994:2005)

| EN ISO 11243:2016 | Cycles — Luggage carriers for bicycles — Requirements and test methods (ISO 11243:2016)

| EN 12196:2003 | Gymnastic equipment — Horses and bucks — Functional and safety requirements, test methods

| EN 12197:1997 | Gymnastic equipment — Horizontal bars — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 12221-1:2008+A1:2013 | Child use and care articles — Changing units for domestic use — Part 1: Safety requirements

| EN 12221-2:2008+A1:2013 | Child use and care articles — Changing units for domestic use — Part 2: Test methods

| EN 12346:1998 | Gymnastic equipment — Wall bars, lattice ladders and climbing frames — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 12432:1998 | Gymnastic equipment — Balancing beams — Functional and safety requirements, test methods

| EN 12491:2001 | Paragliding equipment — Emergency parachutes — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 12655:1998 | Gymnastic equipment — Hanging rings — Functional and safety requirements, test methods


| EN ISO 12863:2010 | Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes (ISO 12863:2010)

| EN ISO 12863:2010/AC:2011 |

| EN ISO 12863:2010/A1:2016 |


| EN 13120:2009+A1:2014 | Internal blinds — Performance requirements including safety

| EN 13209-1:2004 | Child use and care articles — Baby carriers — Safety requirements and test methods — Part 1: Framed back carriers

| EN 13209-2:2015 | Child use and care articles — Baby carriers — Safety requirements and test methods — Part 2: Soft carrier

| EN 13219:2008 | Gymnastic equipment — Trampolines — Functional and safety requirements, test methods

| EN 13319:2000 | Diving accessories — Depth gauges and combined depth and time measuring devices — Functional and safety requirements, test methods

| EN 13869:2016 | Lighters — Child safety requirements for lighters — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 13899:2003 | Roller sports equipment — Roller skates — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 14059:2002 | Decorative oil lamps — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 14344:2004 | Child use and care articles — Child seats for cycles — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 14350-1:2004 | Child use and care articles — Drinking equipment — Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests

| EN 14682:2014 | Safety of children’s clothing — Cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing — Specifications

| EN 16156:2010 | Cigarettes — Assessment of the ignition propensity — Safety requirement

| EN 16281:2013 | Child protective products — Consumer fitted child resistant locking devices for windows and balcony doors — Safety requirements and test methods

| EN 16433:2014 | Internal blinds — Protection from strangulation hazards — Test methods

| EN 16434:2014 | Internal blinds — Protection from strangulation hazards — Requirements and test methods for safety devices


52a. | EN 16890:2017 | Children’s furniture — Mattresses for cots and cribs — Safety requirements and test methods

52b. | EN 17022:2018 | Child care articles — Bathing aids — Safety requirements and test methods

52c. | EN 17072:2018 | Child care articles — Bath tubs, stands and non-standalone bathing aids — Safety requirements and test methods


| EN ISO 20957-1:2013 | Stationary training equipment — Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-1:2013)

| EN ISO 20957-4:2016 | Stationary training equipment — Part 4: Strength training benches, additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-4:2016)

| EN ISO 20957-5:2016 | Stationary training equipment — Part 5: Stationary exercise bicycles and upper body crank training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-5:2016)

| EN ISO 20957-8:2017 | Stationary training equipment — Part 8: Steppers, stairclimbers and climbers — Additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-8:2017)


| EN ISO 20957-9:2016 | Stationary training equipment — Part 9: Elliptical trainers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-9:2016)

| EN ISO 20957-9:2016/A1:2019 |


| EN ISO 20957-10:2017 | Stationary training equipment — Part 10: Exercise bicycles with a fixed wheel or without freewheel — Additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-10:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-1:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 1: Classification, materials, general requirements and test methods (ISO 25649-1:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-2:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 2: Consumer information (ISO 25649-2:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-3:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 3: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class A devices (ISO 25649-3:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-4:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class B devices (ISO 25649-4:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-5:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 5: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class C devices (ISO 25649-5:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-6:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 6: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class D devices (ISO 25649-6:2017)

| EN ISO 25649-7:2017 | Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water — Part 7: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for class E devices (ISO 25649-7:2017)

| EN 60065:2002 | Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus — Safety requirements IEC 60065:2001 (Modified)

| EN 60065:2002/A12:2011 |

| EN 60950-1:2006 | Information technology equipment — Safety — Part 1: General requirements IEC 60950-1:2005 (Modified)

| EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 |

Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Part 1: Safety requirements

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 207

Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Part 2: Test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 207

Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 207

Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Part 2: Test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 207

Gymnastic equipment - Horses and bucks - Functional and safety requirements, test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Gymnastic equipment - Horizontal bars - Safety requirements and test methods

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 136

Child use and care articles - Changing units for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 252

Child use and care articles - Changing units for domestic use - Part 2: Test methods

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 252

Gymnastic equipment - Wall bars, lattice ladders and climbing frames - Safety requirements and test methods

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 136

Gymnastic equipment - Balancing beams - Functional and safety requirements, test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 136

Paragliding equipment - Emergency parachutes - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Gymnastic equipment - Hanging rings - Functional and safety requirements, test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 136

Child use and care articles - Baby walking frames - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 252

Internal blinds - Performance requirements including safety

90.93 Standard confirmed


Child use and care articles - Baby carriers - Safety requirements and test methods - Part 1: Framed back carriers

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 252

Child use and care articles - Baby carriers - Safety requirements and test methods - Part 2: Soft carrier

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 252

Gymnastic equipment - Trampolines - Functional and safety requirements, test methods

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 136

Diving accessories - Depth gauges and combined depth and time measuring devices - Functional and safety requirements, test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 136

Lighters - Child safety requirements for lighters - Safety requirements and test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 355

Roller sports equipment - Roller skates - Safety requirements and test methods

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 136

Decorative oil lamps - Safety requirements and test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed


Child use and care articles - Child seats for cycles - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 252

Child use and care articles - Drinking equipment - Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 252

Child use and care articles - Carry cots and stands - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 252

Safety of children's clothing - Cords and drawstrings on children's clothing - Specifications

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 248

Cigarettes - Assessment of the ignition propensity - Safety requirement

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 401

Child protective products - Consumer fitted child resistant locking devices for windows and balcony doors - Safety requirements and test methods

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 252

Internal blinds - Protection from strangulation hazards - Test methods

90.20 Standard under periodical review


Internal blinds - Protection from strangulation hazards - Requirements and test methods for safety devices

90.20 Standard under periodical review


Paragliding equipment - Harnesses - Safety requirements and strength tests

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Children's furniture - Mattresses for cots and cribs - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 207

Child care articles - Bathing aids - Safety requirements and test methods

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 252

Child care articles - Bath tubs, stands and non-standalone bathing aids - Safety requirements and test methods

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 252

Child use and care articles - Safety barriers - Safety requirements and test methods

90.92 Standard to be revised

CEN/TC 252

Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 1: General safety requirements

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 207

Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements

99.60 Withdrawal effective


Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements

99.60 Withdrawal effective


Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

99.60 Withdrawal effective


Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements

99.60 Withdrawal effective


Gymnastic equipment - General safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Gymnastic equipment - Parallel bars and combination asymmetric/parallel bars - Requirements and test methods including safety

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Gymnastic equipment - Asymmetric bars - Requirements and test methods including safety

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Gymnastic equipment - Vaulting boxes - Requirements and test methods including safety

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 2: Strength training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 7: Rowing machines, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Cycles - Luggage carriers for bicycles - Requirements and test methods (ISO 11243:2016)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes (ISO 12863:2010)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 401

Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes (ISO 12863:2010/Amd 1:2016)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 401

Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes (ISO 12863:2010/Cor 1:2011)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 401

Stationary training equipment - Part 10: Exercise bicycles with a fixed wheel or without freewheel - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-10:2017)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-1:2013)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 4: Strength training benches, additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-4:2016)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 5: Stationary exercise bicycles and upper body crank training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-5:2016)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 8: Steppers, stairclimbers and climbers - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-8:2017)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 9: Elliptical trainers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods (ISO 20957-9:2016)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 136

Stationary training equipment - Part 9: Elliptical trainers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods - Amendment 1 (ISO 20957-9:2016/Amd 1:2019)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 1: Classification, materials, general requirements and test methods (ISO 25649-1:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 2: Consumer information (ISO 25649-2:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 3: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class A devices (ISO 25649-3:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class B devices (ISO 25649-4:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 5: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class C devices (ISO 25649-5:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 6: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class D devices (ISO 25649-6:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 7: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for class E devices (ISO 25649-7:2017)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 136

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 1: Terms and definitions (ISO 4210-1:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 2: Requirements for city and trekking, young adult, mountain and racing bicycles (ISO 4210-2:2015)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 3: Common test methods (ISO 4210-3:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 4: Braking test methods (ISO 4210-4:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 5: Steering test methods (ISO 4210-5:2014, Corrected version 2015-02-01)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 6: Frame and fork test methods (ISO 4210-6:2015)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 7: Wheels and rims test methods (ISO 4210-7:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 8: Pedal and drive system test methods (ISO 4210-8:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles - Part 9: Saddles and seat-post test methods (ISO 4210-9:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Cycles - Safety requirements for bicycles for young children (ISO 8098:2014)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 333

Lighters - Safety specification (ISO 9994:2005)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 355