50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged Jan 19, 2010
CEN/TC 197 Pumps
European Norm
23.080 Pumps
This standard establishes the technical safety requirements for :
- constructing ;
- assembling ;
- erecting ;
- operating ;
- servicing ;
of a liquid pump or pump unit. It contains a list of significant hazards, which can arise withthe use of a liquid pump or pump unit, and establishes the requirements and/or measures which will lead to a reduction of the risks. Liquid pumps are described as :
- rotodynamic pumps ; - rotary positive displacement pumps ; - reciprocating displacement pumps ; - supplied separately without driver.
In general, pumps are defined as being terminated by their inlet and outlet connections as well as by their shaft ends. Pump units comprise the liquid pump types above together with a driver (electric motor or i.c.-engine) including transmission elements, baseplates, and any auxiliary equipment. This standard does not deal with the technical safety requirements for the design or manufacture of drivers nor of auxiliary equipment. It does not set down requirements for the risks directly arising from means provided for the portability, ansportability, and mobility of pump units during or between periods of their operation, nor the requirements for transmission shafts linking a tractor or other selfpropelled machinery to a pump. This standard does not cover pumps and pump units for applications which are excluded from the scope of EC Directive 89/392/EEC Machinery as follows :
- pumps and pump units whose only power source is directly applied manual effort
- pumps and pump units for medical use used in direct contact with the patient ;
- pumps and pump units specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes
which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity ;
- pumps and pump units for use on seagoing vessels or mobile off-shore units ;
- pumps and pump units specially designed for military or police purposes.
Neither does it cover pumps and pump units for hydraulic power transmitransmission.
Legislation related to this standard
Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)
EN 809:1998
EN 809:1998/prA1
End of interruption of work - split/merged
Jan 19, 2010