90.93 Standard confirmed Apr 4, 2024
ISO/TC 34/SC 5 Milk and milk products
International Standard
67.100.01 Milk and milk products in general
ISO 8262-3|IDF 124-3:2005 specifies the reference method for the determination of the fat content of milk-based and of liquid, concentrated or dried milk products to which the Röse-Gottllieb method is not applicable; i.e. those containing distinct quantities of free fatty acids or those which are not completely soluble in ammonia owing to the presence of lumps or non-milk ingredients, such as custards, porridges or certain milk-based products for bakery purposes.
The method is also applicable to fresh cheese types, such as cottage cheese and quarg, as well as to fresh cheeses with added fruit, syrup, muesli, etc. for which the Schmid-Bondzynski-Ratzlaff method is not suitable owing to the higher carbohydrate contents and/or extreme inhomogeneity.
ISO 8262-3:1987
ISO 8262-3:2005
Standard confirmed
Apr 4, 2024