ISO 23275-1:2006

Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Cocoa butter equivalents in cocoa butter and plain chocolate — Part 1: Determination of the presence of cocoa butter equivalents ISO 23275-1:2006

Publication date:   Oct 26, 2006

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Jun 16, 2020


ISO/TC 34/SC 11 Animal and vegetable fats and oils

International Standard

67.200.10   Animal and vegetable fats and oils | 67.190   Chocolate



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ISO 23275-1:2006 specifies a procedure for the detection of cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) in cocoa butter and plain chocolate by high-resolution capillary gas liquid chromatography of triacylglycerols and subsequent data evaluation by regression analysis.
The method is applicable for the detection of 2 % CBE admixture to cocoa butter, corresponding to about 0,6 % CBE in chocolate (i.e. the assumed fat content of chocolate is 30 %).

Life cycle


ISO 23275-1:2006
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jun 16, 2020