90.92 Standard to be revised Jul 13, 2023
ISO/TC 135/SC 5 Radiographic testing
International Standard
19.100 Non-destructive testing
ISO 15708-3:2017 presents an outline of the operation of a computed tomography (CT) system and the interpretation of results with the aim of providing the operator with technical information to enable the selection of suitable parameters.
It is applicable to industrial imaging (i.e. non-medical applications) and gives a consistent set of CT performance parameter definitions, including how those performance parameters relate to CT system specifications.
ISO 15708-3:2017 deals with computed axial tomography and excludes other types of tomography such as translational tomography and tomosynthesis.
ISO 15708-3:2017
Standard to be revised
Jul 13, 2023
ISO/FDIS 15708-3