60.60 Standard published Jan 27, 2011
International Standard
31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general
IEC 60747-14-4:2011 applies to semiconductor accelerometers for all types of products. This standard applies not only to typical semiconductor accelerometers with built-in electric circuits, but also to semiconductor accelerometers accompanied by external circuits. This standard does not (or should not) violate (or interfere with) the agreement between customers and suppliers in terms of a new model or parameters for business.
NOTE 1: This standard, although directed toward semiconductor accelerometers, may be applied in whole or in part to any mass produced type of accelerometer.
NOTE 2: The purpose of this standard is to allow for a systematic description, which covers the subjects initiated by the advent of semiconductor accelerometers. The tasks imposed on the semiconductor accelerometers are not only common to all accelerometers but also inherent to them and not yet totally solved. The descriptions are based on latest research results. One typical example is the multi-axis accelerometer. This standard states the method of measuring acceleration as a vector quantity using multi-axis accelerometers.
NOTE 3: This standard does not conflict in any way with any existing parts of either ISO 16063 or ISO 5347. This standard intends to provide the concepts and the procedures of calibration of the semiconductor multi-axis accelerometers which are used not only for the measurement of acceleration but also for the control of motion in the wide frequencies ranging from DC.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60747-1:2006.
IEC 60747-14-4:2011 ED1
Standard published
Jan 27, 2011