IEC 60679-6:2011 applies to the phase jitter measurement of quartz crystal oscillators and SAW oscillators used for electronic devices and gives guidance for phase jitter that allows the accurate measurement of r.m.s. jitter. In the measurement method, phase noise measurement equipment or a phase noise measurement system is used. The measuring frequency range is from 10 MHz to 1 000 MHz. This standard applies to quartz crystal oscillators and SAW oscillators used in electronic devices and modules that have the multiplication or division functions based on these oscillators. The type of phase jitter applied to these oscillators is the r.m.s. jitter. This standard cancels and replaces IEC/PAS 60679-6 published in 2008. This first edition constitutes a technical revision.
IEC PAS 60679-6:2008 ED1
IEC 60679-6:2011 ED1
Withdrawal of Standard
Feb 14, 2018