50.98 Project deleted Oct 24, 2007
CEN/TC 151 Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety
European Norm
91.220 Construction equipment
1.1 x
In the 8th paragraph ("Typical examples of drill rigs covered by this standard are:"), add after "Rotary drill rig for underground use":
"- Rigs for horizontal directional drilling (HDD), as defined in 3.19.".
1.2 x
Add the following new sentence at end of clause:
"Tunnel boring machines are not covered by this standard; safety requirements of those machines are defined in EN 12336.".
Legislation related to this standard
Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)
EN 791:1995
EN 791:1995/prA1
Project deleted
Oct 24, 2007