EN 61158-6:2004

Digital data communication for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Part 6: Application layer protocol specification

Publication date:   Aug 10, 2006

General information

99.60 Withdrawal effective   Feb 1, 2011


CLC/TC 65X Industrial-process measurement, control and automation

European Norm

25.040   Industrial automation systems | 35.100   Open systems interconnection (OSI) | 35.240.50   IT applications in industry



PDF - €513.28




This part of EN 61158 is one of a series produced to facilitate the interconnection of automation system components. It is related to other standards in the set as defined by the three-layer Fieldbus Reference Model, which is based in part on the Basic Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection. Both Reference Models subdivide the area of standardisation for interconnection into a series of layers of specification, each of manageable size. This standard describes the Fieldbus Application Layer (FAL) protocol that defines the information interchange and the interactions between Application Entity invocations (AE-Is) to support the Application Services. The Application Protocol provides the Application Service by making use of the services available from the Data Link Layer or other immediately lower layer.

Life cycle


EN 61158-6:2004
99.60 Withdrawal effective
Feb 1, 2011


Adopted from IEC 61158-6:2003 IDENTICAL

Adopted from IEC 61158-6:2003/corrigendum Jul. 2004 IDENTICAL