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Foods of plant origin - Multimethod for the determination of pesticide residues in vegetable oils by LC-MS/MS (QuOil)

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of acrylamide in food and coffee by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

90.20 Standard under periodical review

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - General guidelines for the validation of qualitative real-time PCR methods - Part 1: Single-laboratory validation

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - General guidelines for the validation of qualitative real-time PCR methods - Part 2: Collaborative study

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuff - Determination of pesticide residues by ethyl acetate extraction using GC- and LC-MS/MS (SweEt)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 1: General considerations

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 1: General considerations

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 2: HPLC/IC method for the determination of nitrate content of vegetables and vegetable products

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 3: Spectrometric determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products after enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrite

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 4: Ion-exchange chromatographic (IC) method for the determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 5: Enzymatic determination of nitrate content of vegetable-containing food for babies and infants

90.20 Standard under periodical review

CEN/TC 275

Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 7: Continuous flow method for the determination of nitrate content of vegetables and vegetable products after Cadmium reduction

90.20 Standard under periodical review

CEN/TC 275

Foods of plant origin - Multiresidue methods for the determination of pesticide residues by GC or LC-MS/MS - Part 1: General considerations

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foods of plant origin - Multiresidue methods for the determination of pesticide residues by GC or LC-MS/MS - Part 2: Methods for extraction and clean-up

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Foods of plant origin - Multiresidue methods for the determination of pesticide residues by GC or LC-MS/MS - Part 3: Determination and confirmatory tests

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 1: Spectrometric method

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 2: Gas chromatographic method

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275

Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 3: UV spectrometric xanthogenate method

90.93 Standard confirmed

CEN/TC 275