Green Hydrogen - The Climate Change Game Changer? Standards are key

See also topic Hydrogen under Energy: (Note: in the app, go to Topics -> Energy -> Hydrogen)

Green hydrogen is produced by splitting water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electricity generated from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power.  The increased costs of fuel energy sources and transporting these energies are key arguments for companies moving towards hydrogen as a clean energy alternative. International and European standards

As the climate crisis worsens, green hydrogen is considered as one of the primary alternatives to fossil fuels because of its carbon neutrality, excess energy is easy to store and its uses are very versatile (transportation, industry, heating, etc.).

However, it has its downsides: it is expensive to produce due to the cost of energy from the renewable sources that are key to generating it, it requires more energy than other fuels to produce and hydrogen is extremely volatile and flammable.

Green hydrogen, produced using renewable energy sources through electrolysis, is emerging as a potent weapon against climate change. International standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) play a pivotal role in shaping the growth and adoption of green hydrogen technologies. In addition, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) contributes to the deployment of hydrogen and its applications in Europe with complementary standards to the international ones.

Because of this, there is the risk that developed countries move towards the use of green hydrogen at a faster pace and that different definitions and certification systems emerge in parallel. To avoid this, both ISO and the IEC have started to work to ensure quality, safety, and compatibility in green hydrogen technology. For example: Key standards to support the deployment of hydrogen solutions are:

• ISO 14687:2019 Establishes purity requirements for hydrogen fuel, ensuring it meets quality and safety standards.
• ISO 16111:2018 Focuses on safety aspects, providing guidelines for the safe design, installation, operation, and maintenance of hydrogen equipment.
• IEC 62282 Series: for fuel cell technologies, energy storage systems using fuel cells in reverse modes. The standard enables stakeholders to select and compare existing systems.
• IEC 60079 Series: Focuses on equipment used in explosive atmospheres, critical in hydrogen production and storage.

Furthermore, standards are needed to measure compliance with low-carbon commitments and dissuade companies from greenwashing. For example. ISO just recently published ISO/TS 19870:2023 Hydrogen technologies — Methodology for determining the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production, conditioning and transport of hydrogen to consumption gate.

Other international standards for hydrogen include compressed gaseous hydrogen, hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel systems, or applications for the storage or transport of hydrogen or conditions for fuelling motor vehicles

Essential European standards and other European documents to support the deployment of hydrogen applications are:

• EN 17124:2022 Hydrogen fuel - Product specification and quality assurance for hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen - Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for vehicles
• EN 17127:2020 Outdoor hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and incorporating filling protocols
• CEN/TS 17977:2023 Gas infrastructure - Quality of gas - Hydrogen used in rededicated gas systems
• CEN/TR 17924:2023 Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on hydrogen specific aspects
• CEN/TR 17797:2022 Gas infrastructure - Consequences of hydrogen in the gas infrastructure and identification of related standardisation need in the scope of CEN/TC 234

International and European standards on hydrogen foster collaboration, promote innovation, and may attract investments in green hydrogen technologies. As countries and industries align with these standards, they reduce risks, increase market competitiveness, and expedite the growth of green hydrogen infrastructure. Standards can contribute to green hydrogen been the actual game changer.

Keywords: Hydrogen technologies; Hydrogen fuel; Gaseous hydrogen; Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations; Hydrogen refuelling points; Quality of gas – Hydrogen; Burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on hydrogen specific aspects; Hydrogen fuel quality; Hydrogen/natural gas blends fuel system; Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen (CGH2); Compressed hydrogen; Protection against hydrogen hazards; Fuel cell technologies.

TCs: CEN/TC 234; CEN/TC 58; CEN/TC 268 ; ISO/TC 198 ; ISO/TC 197 ; ISO/TC 197/SC 1; ISO/TC 22/SC 37; ISO/TC 22/SC 41

Gas infrastructure - Consequences of hydrogen in the gas infrastructure and identification of related standardisation need in the scope of CEN/TC 234

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 234

Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on hydrogen specific aspects

99.60 Withdrawal effective


Gas infrastructure - Quality of gas - Hydrogen used in rededicated gas systems

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 234

Hydrogen fuel - Product specification and quality assurance for hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen - Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for vehicles

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 268

Outdoor hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and incorporating filling protocols

99.60 Withdrawal effective

CEN/TC 268

Fuel cell technologies - Part 2-100: Fuel cell modules - Safety

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 2-100: Fuel cell modules - Safety

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-100: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Safety

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 4-101: Fuel cell power systems for electrically powered industrial trucks - Safety

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 5-100: Portable fuel cell power systems - Safety

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-101: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - General requirements

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-106: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - Indirect Class 8 (corrosive) compounds

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-107: Micro fuel cell power systems - Safety - Indirect water-reactive (Division 4.3) compounds

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-400: Micro fuel cell power systems - Power and data interchangeability

60.60 Standard published

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-401: Micro fuel cell power systems - Power and data interchangeability - Performance test methods for laptop computers

50.60 Close of voting. Proof returned by secretariat

CLC/SR 105

Fuel cell technologies - Part 2-100: Fuel cell modules - Safety

60.60 Standard published

TC 105

Hydrogen fuel quality — Product specification

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 197

Transportable gas storage devices — Hydrogen absorbed in reversible metal hydride

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 197

Hydrogen technologies — Methodology for determining the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production, conditioning and transport of hydrogen to consumption gate

90.92 Standard to be revised

ISO/TC 197/SC 1