
Personal protective equipment (Dir. 89/686/EEC amendment)

This web page provides you with updated information on the European standard supporting the implementation of EU Directives and regulations. It provides, on one hand the information corresponding to the real-time status of the standards provided by CEN and CENELEC and, on the other hand, provides updated information about the status of the standards in support of the European legislation. It may happen that a standard is withdrawn by the standardisation body and remains applicable in the context of the EU legislation, unless the reference is withdrawn from the official journal.

"DISCLAIMER: This is an informative page, providing added value information on standards. Information may evolve and change subject to the publication of other legislative texts. This page has no legal validity and only informative value. Genorma.com informs its users that users of this platform are responsible for deciding the version of the standard that is applicable to their products, and not Genorma.com. As a consequence, Genorma.com users are encouraged to check the latest versions of the legal text accessible through the EUR-LEX website or the Website of the European Commission"

7 - Draft standards 61 - View all published standards related to this directive 168 - Withdrawn standards

Harmonised Standards or standards supporting the application of the EU legislation

Protective clothing - Mechanical properties - Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects (ISO 13997:1999)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 185 Official journal reference
Jul 4, 2000 Official journal publication date

Lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids - Lifejackets - 275 N

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids - Lifejackets - 150 N

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids - Lifejackets - 100 N

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids - Buoyancy aids - 50 N

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers - Protection against heat and flame - Performance requirements and test methods (ISO 14460:1999)

90.93 Standard confirmed

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part 7: Requirements for chainsaw protective gloves

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain saws - Part 9: Requirements for chain saw protective gaiters

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 317 Official journal reference
Oct 18, 1997 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain saws - Part 8: Test methods for chain saw protective gaiters

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 317 Official journal reference
Oct 18, 1997 Official journal publication date

Protective gloves against cold

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part 4: Test methods for chainsaw protective gloves

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing against radioactive contamination - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactivate contamination

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Protective clothing for industrial workers exposed to heat (excluding firefighters' and welders' clothing)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Foot and leg protectors - Requirements and test methods for toecaps and metal penetration resistant inserts

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Descender devices

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls from a height - Low stretch kernmantel ropes

90.92 Standard to be revised

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Deck safety harness and safety line for use on recreational craft - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Mountaineering equipment - Chocks - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Mountaineering equipment - Connectors - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Mountaineering equipment - Pulleys - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Mountaineering equipment - Harnesses - Safety requirements and test methods

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Diving accessories - Combined buoyancy and rescue devices - Functional and safety requirements, test methods

90.93 Standard confirmed

C 185 Official journal reference
Jul 4, 2000 Official journal publication date

Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - List of equivalent terms

90.92 Standard to be revised

C 317 Official journal reference
Oct 18, 1997 Official journal publication date

Helmets for airborne sports

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 185 Official journal reference
Jul 4, 2000 Official journal publication date

Headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Personal eye-protection - Automatic welding filters

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 247 Official journal reference
Oct 6, 2005 Official journal publication date

Personal eye-protection - Sunglare filters for industrial use

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 185 Official journal reference
Jul 4, 2000 Official journal publication date

Specification for welding filters with switchable luminous transmittance and welding filters with dual luminous transmittance

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Half masks and quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking

60.60 Standard published

C 247 Official journal reference
Oct 6, 2005 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus with demand valve - Part 2: Apparatus with a half mask at positive pressure - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 247 Official journal reference
Oct 6, 2005 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line or powered fresh air hose breathing apparatus incorporating a hood for use in abrasive blasting operations - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 159 Official journal reference
Jun 8, 2000 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a hood - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 159 Official journal reference
Jun 8, 2000 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus incorporating a hood (compressed air escape apparatus with hood) - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 76 Official journal reference
Mar 16, 2000 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus for use with a full face mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 318 Official journal reference
Nov 5, 1999 Official journal publication date

Respiratory equipment - Open-circuit self-contained compressed air diving apparatus - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 159 Official journal reference
Jun 8, 2000 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Light duty construction compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a full face mask, half mask or quarter mask - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 318 Official journal reference
Nov 5, 1999 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Half masks and quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking

90.92 Standard to be revised

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Light duty construction compressed air line breathing apparatus incorporating a helmet or a hood - Requirements, testing, marking

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 159 Official journal reference
Jun 8, 2000 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Filters with breathing hoses, (Non-mask mounted filters) - Particle filters, gas filters, and combined filters - Requirements, testing, marking

90.93 Standard confirmed

C 185 Official journal reference
Jul 4, 2000 Official journal publication date

Respiratory protective devices - Half masks and quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking (Amendment 1:1992)

99.60 Withdrawal effective

C 338 Official journal reference
Nov 6, 1998 Official journal publication date