Air conditioner

Related standards or drafts

Guidelines for the evaluation of uncertainty of measurement in air conditioner and heat pump cooling and heating capacity tests (ISO/TS 16491:2012)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages, heat pumps, process chillers and dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors - Determination of the sound power level - Part 1: Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages, heat pumps for space heating and cooling, dehumidifiers and process chillers

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages, heat pumps, process chillers and dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors - Determination of the sound power level - Part 2: Heat pump water heaters

90.60 Close of review

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 1: Terms and definitions

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 2: Test conditions

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 3: Test methods

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space heating and cooling and process chillers, with electrically driven compressors - Part 4: Requirements

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps, with electrically driven compressors, for space heating and cooling, commercial and process cooling - Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal performance

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Air conditioners and liquid chilling packages with evaporatively cooled condenser and with electrically driven compressors for space cooling - Terms, definitions, test conditions, test methods and requirements

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 113

Multiple split-system air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Multiple split-system air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor — Amendment 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor — Amendment 2

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor — Technical Corrigendum 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 2: Heating seasonal performance factor

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 2: Heating seasonal performance factor — Technical Corrigendum 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 3: Annual performance factor

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Non-ducted portable air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps having a single exhaust duct — Testing and rating for performance

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Non-ducted portable air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps having a single exhaust duct — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 86/SC 6

Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) architecture — Part 4-301: Application protocols for home air conditioners and controllers

60.60 Standard published


Information technology – Home Electronic System (HES) architecture - Part-4-301: Application protocols for home air conditioners and controllers

60.60 Standard published


Guidelines for the evaluation of uncertainty of measurement in air conditioner and heat pump cooling and heating capacity tests

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 86/SC 6