Carbon footprint calculation applicable to industrial lithium-ion batteries – Part 1: General requirements and methodology
40.00 DIS registered
Quantification and communication of Carbon FootPRINT and GHG emission reductions/avoided emissions from electric and electronic products and systems – Principles, methodologies, requirements and guidance
40.60 Close of voting
Development of product specific rules to assess the carbon footprint of products
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification
20.00 New project registered in TC/SC work programme
Electrically propelled road vehicles — Methodology for the carbon footprint calculation of traction lithium-ion batteries at the stage of use
20.00 New project registered in TC/SC work programme
Rare Earth - Guidance for data collection and validation for the calculation of carbon footprint
20.00 New project registered in TC/SC work programme
Carbon footprint accounting and reporting of non-parallel steel wire and cords for tyre reinforcement
20.00 New project registered in TC/SC work programme
Carbon footprint for seafood — Product category rules (CFP-PCR) for macroalgae
50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval
Product category rules for the evaluation of the carbon footprint of machine tools
10.20 New project ballot initiated
Intelligent transport systems – Extracting trip data using nomadic and mobile devices for estimating CO2 emissions — Part 3: Carbon footprint determination for eco-routing platforms in emission trading systems
00.00 Proposal for new project received
Carbon footprint calculation applicable to industrial lithium-ion batteries - Part 1: General requirements and methodology
40.60 Close of voting
Quantification and communication of Carbon FootPRINT and GHG emission reductions/avoided emissions from electric and electronic products and systems - Principles, methodologies, requirements and guidance
40.60 Close of voting
Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification
10.99 New project approved