SBS Priority Topic 06: Ecodesign and Resource Efficiency

European and international standards supporting ecodesign and resource efficiency are core pillars to support the European ambitions towards Green Transition and Circular Economy

Technical committee

Related standards or drafts


Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications

40.60 Close of voting


Metal halide lamps - Performance specification

40.60 Close of voting


Luminaire performance - Part 1: General requirements

50.60 Close of voting. Proof returned by secretariat


Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 4: LED lamps, modules and luminaires

40.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged

CEN/TC 169

Measuring method of the energy consumption of gas fired ovens

50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged


Water supply - Specification for indirectly heated unvented (closed) storage water heaters

30.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged

CEN/TC 164

Heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Testing, performance rating and requirements for marking of domestic hot water units

50.97 End of interruption of work - split/merged

CEN/TC 113

Heating boilers - Part 6: Heating boilers with forced draught burners - Specific requirements for the domestic hot water operation and energy performance of water heaters and combination boilers with atomizing oil burners

45.99 Dispatch of FV draft to CCMC


Heating boilers - Energy assessment of hot water storage tanks

45.99 Dispatch of FV draft to CCMC


Method to achieve circular designs of products

60.60 Standard published


Gas fired domestic appliances producing hot water - Part 1: Assessment of performance of hot water deliveries

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

CEN/TC 109

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Small Business Standards (SBS), the SME representing the voice of Small and Medium Enterprises in European and international standardisation, is sponsoring this service.

European requirements for Ecodesign, Energy Efficiency and associated labelling and resource efficiency are evolving very fast.

The new proposal for ecodesign requirements for sustainable products broadens the scope of the Ecodesign Directive both in terms of products and new kinds of requirements. It lays down a framework for setting ecodesign requirements based on the sustainability and circularity aspects listed in the Circular Economy Action Plan.