SBS Priority Topic 02: Building Information Modelling

Technical committee

Related standards or drafts


Building information modelling - Information structure based on EN ISO 16739 1 to exchange data templates and data sheets for construction objects - Part 1: Data templates and configured construction objects

40.98 Project deleted

CEN/TC 442

Bonded-in-rods in timber structures - Design and execution

30.98 Project deleted

CEN/TC 250

Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) - Information management using building information modelling - Part 6: Health and safety information (ISO 19650-6:2025)

60.60 Standard published

CEN/TC 442

Guidance on how to implement EN ISO 19650-1, -2, -3 and -5 in Europe

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned

CEN/TC 442

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Small Business Standards (SBS), the SME representing the voice of Small and Medium Enterprises in European and international standardisation, is sponsoring this service.

Some relevant entities in the standardisation landscape include - according to a study developed by the EC Joint Research Center:
• CEN TC442 BIM: Standardization in the field of structured semantic life-cycle information for the built environment, and
• ISO/TC59/SC13 BIM: Organization of information about construction works

In addition, standardisation related work in:
• CEN TC287 GIS: standardization in the field of digital geographic information for Europe.
• ISO/TC211 GIS: Standardization in the field of digital geographic information.
• ISO/TC184/SC4 STEP: Standards that describe and manage industrial product data throughout the life of the product.

Some expected benefits from the work of CEN/TC 442 include supporting the visions for sustainable growth based on better resource efficiency through data sharing in the construction industry in Europe, as well as
• Increasing the competitiveness of the European Construction sector;
• Delivering efficiencies for client organizations regarding requirements of legacy systems;
• Facilitating the information exchange between client’s asset management systems and contractors/designers BIM systems thanks to interoperability;
• Delivering efficiencies for contractors and manufacturers through standardized product selection and ordering processes;
• Contributing to a substantial reduction in cost and resources in the European Construction Industry
• European ICT support of increased sustainability and greenhouse-gas emission goals for the Construction Industry;
• Increasing certainty for construction clients to achieve their built asset objectives and improvements in briefing as a result of improvements in post occupation evaluations;
• Providing a common understanding regarding the design of built environment between owners, operators and users, designers, contractors and manufacturers of construction products, insurers for construction works, building and its operation;
• Facilitating the exchange of information about construction services between stakeholders;
• Facilitating the marketing and use of construction products and offsite assemblies;
• Providing a common basis for research and development in the construction sector;
• Allowing the preparation of common design aids and software packages;
• Supporting the objectives of European Governments in achieving their targets for BIM adoption.