This new work item proposal proposed a solution to increase interoperability of the DPP system (in consideration in Module 4 in WG4). Interoperability is important to enable the seamless exchange of DPP-based information between heterogeneous systems. This NWIP follows the approach of the standard interoperability layers and proposes the following aspects in this regard:
Technical Interoperability
• secured exchange protocol (e.g., HTTP(S)) that can be transported over firewall systems and the public internet infrastructure (in agreement with module 5)
• data formats
• Serialization of data with standardized media type (e.g., JSON)
• Potential compression approaches (e.g., Open Packing Convention – ISO 29500-2, CBOR)
• review data act regulation Article 33 “minimal requirements on interoperability in data spaces” on relevance
Semantic Interoperability
• Allow data structuring with standardized or established data schema languages (e.g., XML Schema, JSON Schema, SHACL, rdf, owl)
• Enables the usage and reusage of know ontologies or context namespaces (e.g., IEC CDD, ETSI SAREF)
avoid sector specific ontologies – allow parallel usage of different ontologies by commission in delegated acts with horicontal abstract layer as general as possible (technology-, ontology- and domain agnostic)
Organisation Interoperability
• Easy integrateable in or to existing technology frameworks
• enable both human access AND machine (software) access
out of scope
• data exchange protocols (see PWI “data exchange protocols”)
• Database definitions for backend services (dpp is technology agnostic)
• Sector specific ontology definitions
• European standard(s) on unique identifiers
• European standard(s) on data processing and data formats
• European standard(s) on data carriers and links between physical product and digital representation
• European standard(s) on access rights management, information, system security, and business confidentiality
• European standard(s) on data storage, archiving, and data persistence
• European standard(s) on data authentication, reliability, integrity
• European standards on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the product passport lifecycle management and searchability
Close of review
Sep 9, 2024