prEN 870

Water quality - Determination of suspended solids - Determination by 0,4-0,45 micrometer pore width filters

General information

40.60 Close of voting   Apr 5, 1993


CEN/TC 230 Water analysis

European Norm


This European standard describes the determination of suspended solids in surface and ground waters by filtration through filters with a pore width of 0,4 to 0,45 micrometers. The lower limit of the determination is 1 mg/l. The standard is not applicable to effluents and waste waters. Water samples are not always stable which means that the content of suspended solids depends upon storage time, means of transportation, pH value and other circumstances. Results obtained with unstable samples should be interpreted with caution.

Life cycle


prEN 870
40.60 Close of voting
Apr 5, 1993