30.98 Project deleted Jan 28, 1999
CLC/TC 206 Consumer equipment for entertainment and information and related sub-systems
European Norm
This project shall apply to headphones and earphones according to EN 60268-7 which, by their design, their form of delivery or by manufacturer's definition, are meant to be used at portable consumer equipment with analogue audio output. The specifications shall guarantee trouble-free function of the combined units and at the same time shall set a limit for acoustic immission in order to avoid unwanted possible impairment of the hearing by too high sound exposition. This project does neither apply to headphones for hearing aids according to IEC 118-1 nor to headphones used with audiometers nor to headphones or similar forming part of active hearing protection systems. Conditions for wireless headphones are not included, but may be derived accordingly.
prEN 50XXX
Project deleted
Jan 28, 1999