50.98 Project deleted May 8, 2004
CEN/TC 151 Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety
European Norm
This part of EN 500 specifies the safety requirements for paver-finishers as defined in clause 3 and deals with the significant hazards pertinent these machines, when used as intended and in conditions foreseen by the manufacturer. This part of EN 500 contains additional requirements to prEN 500-1:2001"Common requirements". The clauses of this standard have the same numbering as those of prEN 500-2001.
If internal- and/or external vibrators are used for concrete paving, then pr EN 12649 "Concrete compactors and floating machines - safety requirements: October 1996" applies.
Legislation related to this standard
prEN 500-6 rev
Project deleted
May 8, 2004