1.1 Scope of EN 1993 5
(1) This document provides rules for the structural design of bearing piles and sheet piles made of steel.
(2) This document provides rules for the structural design of steel elements for foundations and retaining structures constructed using steel piles.
(3) This document is applicable to:
- steel piled foundations for civil engineering works on land and over water;
- temporary or permanent structures needed to carry out steel piling work;
- temporary and permanent retaining structures made of continuous steel piling.
(4) This document does not apply to:
- offshore platforms;
- dolphins;
- ground reinforcing elements.
NOTE Ground reinforcing elements include rock bolts, soil nails, sprayed concrete, wire mesh and facing elements.
(5) This document does not cover the following aspects:
- geotechnical design;
- seismic design.
NOTE 1 For geotechnical design, see EN 1997 (all parts).
NOTE 2 For the effects of ground movement caused by earthquakes, see EN 1998 (all parts).
(6) This document provides methods for design by calculation and for design assisted by testing.
1.2 Assumptions
(1) Unless specifically stated, EN 1990, EN 1991 (all parts), EN 1993 1 (all parts) and EN 1997 (all parts) apply.
(2) The design methods given in EN 1993 5 are applicable if
- the execution quality for steel piles is as specified in EN 12063, EN 12699, EN 14199; and
- the execution quality for associated steel elements (such as bracing, anchors, waling, etc.) is as specified in EN 1090 2, EN 1537; and
- the execution quality for concreting of bearing piles is as specified in EN 1536; and
- the construction materials and products used are as specified in the relevant parts of EN 1993 (all parts), or in the relevant material and product specifications.
(3) The methods for design by calculation apply only within the stated ranges of material properties and geometric proportions, for which sufficient experience and test evidence is available. These limitations do not apply to design assisted by testing.
Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec
EN 1993-5:2007
FprEN 1993-5
Dispatch of FV draft to CCMC
Nov 21, 2024