FprEN 17990

Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Method to determine the durability of bondings with adhesive tapes and adhesive masses for the establishment of airtight layers under climatic conditions representative for indoor environments FprEN 17990

Publication date:   Jan 23, 2025

General information

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks   Jan 23, 2025


CEN/TC 89 Thermal performance of buildings and building components

European Norm

91.120.10   Thermal insulation of buildings



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This document specifies methods to determine the durability of bondings, prepared by means of adhesive materials (e.g. adhesive tapes and adhesive masses), for the establishment of airtight layers under climatic conditions representative for indoor environments based on test methods with and without ageing.
The methods provided in this document require at least 120 days for aging and are therefore not suitable for a short time evaluation nor can they be applied to in-field testing. This document excludes test methods for external weathering or UV exposure, even though this might occur during the construction phase.
The following typical applications are distinguished:
- bonding of the overlap of flexible airtightness layers;
- bonding of flexible airtightness layers to construction products and penetrations;
- establishment of airtightness layers by means of sheet materials and adhesive tapes.
This document does not apply to test methods for:
- pre-compressed sealing tapes and sealing profiles which will be mechanically secured;
- butyl-based adhesive tapes or adhesive masses;
- sheet joints of wood-based panels or gypsum plasterboards with adhesive masses or filler systems;
- bondings of bitumen membranes or of bitumen membranes to construction products;
- bonding of self-adhesive membranes;
- adhesive masses from reels. Adhesive masses from reels are cured viscoelastic adhesive masses, which are used in the same field of application as adhesive masses.
The tack is not addressed. It does not allow any conclusion on the durability of a bonding.

Related legislation

Legislation related to this standard


Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec

Life cycle


FprEN 17990
50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks
Jan 23, 2025