prEN 14994 rev

Gas explosion venting protective systems prEN 14994 rev

General information

00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned   Aug 8, 2017


CEN/TC 305 Potentially explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection

European Norm

13.240   Protection against excessive pressure


This European Standard specifies the basic design requirements for the selection of a gas explosion venting protective system. This European Standard, EN 14797 and EN 14460 form a series of three standards which are used together.

This European Standard is applicable to:
- vent sizing to protect against the internal pressure effects of a gas explosion;
- flame and pressure effects outside the enclosure;
- recoil forces;
- influence of vent ducts;
- influence of initial temperature and pressure.
This European Standard does not provide design and application rules against effects generated by detonation reactions or runaway exothermic reactions including decomposition in the gas phase. This European Standard is not applicable to:
- fire risks arising either from materials processed, used or released by the equipment or from materials that make up equipment and buildings;
- design, construction and testing of explosion venting devices, which are used to achieve explosion venting );
- protection against overpressures caused by events such as overfilling, overpressurisation, fire engulfment, overheating etc.

Related legislation

Legislation related to this standard


Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)

Life cycle


EN 14994:2007


prEN 14994 rev
00.98 Proposal for new project abandoned
Aug 8, 2017