30.98 Project deleted Jul 25, 2008
CEN/TC 278 Intelligent transport systems
Technical Specification
This specification describes the Binary encoding methodology for the Congestion and Travel-Time information message application of the TPEG "Toolkit". Traffic congestion has become a serious problem in urban areas. Some traffic congestion is considered to be caused by drivers, who do not know the traffic information. Therefore, timely provision of congestion travel time messages to these drivers could decrease traffic congestion. A TPEG Congestion and Travel-Time information message is designed to provide a comprehensive data set about congestion on referenced road links to various client types using digital broadcasting and internet technologies. A CTT information
message may be presented to the end-user in many different ways including, by text, by audio, or graphically using standard formats.
As with all TPEG applications, whilst the message content has to be sourced from road operators this application is end-user focussed and thus is not designed or able to be exactly compatible with standards used in the Content Segment (e.g. DATEX 2). It is designed to specifically satisfy the Delivery Segment requirement which is particularly designed for both human comprehension and automatic clients.
prCEN ISO/TS 18234-8
Project deleted
Jul 25, 2008