95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Dec 12, 2023
ISO/TC 20/SC 14 Space systems and operations
Technical Specification
49.140 Space systems and operations | 13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products | 49.025.01 Materials for aerospace construction in general
ISO/TS 16697:2012 provides a method to determine the oxygen concentration threshold when a material exposed to a standard ignition source self-extinguishes at a given constant total pressure, temperature, convective flow, and gravity-level conditions. The method can also be used to determine other flammability limits, such as the total pressure or forced convective velocity thresholds, while maintaining other test conditions constant.
ISO/TS 16697:2012
Withdrawal of Standard
Dec 12, 2023
ISO 14624-1:2023