ISO/TR 26368:2012

Environmental damage limitation from fire-fighting water run-off ISO/TR 26368:2012

Publication date:   May 11, 2012

General information

90.92 Standard to be revised   Nov 1, 2023


ISO/TC 92/SC 3 Fire threat to people and environment

Technical Report

13.220.01   Protection against fire in general



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This Technical Report provides information for the development of specifications and procedures aimed at
limiting adverse environmental impacts caused by fire-water run-off (see References [2] to [7]). The information
is applicable to commercial facilities, such as warehouses, chemical storage facilities, refineries, process plants
which handle and/or store products with a potential pollution potency, and vehicles for the transport of such
substances. It is only applicable to land-based operations (i.e. not oil tankers or off-shore oil drilling platforms),
and to wildland fires.
As such, this Technical Report provides a summary of current potential approaches for controlling and
eliminating adverse environmental impacts caused by fire-fighting water run-off. It offers relevant information for
the design and sizing of water basins to limit the dispersion of contaminated water into the environment at large
(see References [8] to [12]). This Technical Report is divided into three main parts: a description of the hazards
of fire run-off, environmental damage limitation and details concerning the possible design of water basins.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 26368:2012
90.92 Standard to be revised
Nov 1, 2023


ISO/AWI TR 26368