90.92 Standard to be revised May 13, 2019
ISO/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas management and related activities
Technical Report
13.020.40 Pollution, pollution control and conservation
ISO/TR 14069:2013 describes the principles, concepts and methods relating to the quantification and reporting of direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for an organization. It provides guidance for the application of ISO 14064-1 to greenhouse gas inventories at the organization level, for the quantification and reporting of direct emissions, energy indirect emissions and other indirect emissions.
ISO/TR 14069:2013 describes for all organizations, including local authorities, the steps for:
establishing organizational boundaries, in accordance with either a control approach (financial or operational) or an equity share approach;
establishing operational boundaries, by identifying direct emissions and energy indirect emissions to be quantified and reported, as well as any other indirect emissions the organization chooses to quantify and report; for each category of emission, guidance is provided on specific boundaries and methodologies for the quantification of GHG emissions and removals;
GHG reporting: guidance is provided to promote transparency regarding the boundaries, the methodologies used for the quantification of direct and indirect GHG emissions and removals, and the uncertainty of the results.
ISO/TR 14069:2013
Standard to be revised
May 13, 2019
ISO/DTS 14064-4