ISO/TR 13425:2006

Guidelines for the selection of statistical methods in standardization and specification

Publication date:   Mar 3, 2006

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Jul 22, 2011

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Jul 22, 2011


ISO/TC 69 Applications of statistical methods

Technical Report

03.120.30   Application of statistical methods



PDF - €78.65




ISO/TR 13425:2006 gives guidance on the selection and an overview of all the referenced standards, guides, technical reports and DIS developed by ISO/TC 69 from a user prospective. DIS are drafts which can be amended. Both categories are documents, which are available to the public. ISO/TR 13425:2006 also gives two descriptions of the content of the standards by two sets of abstracts: non-technical abstracts and technical abstracts of all these documents. Each abstract presents a brief survey of the content of the actual standard or DIS. It also gives some indications of the use of the document in different areas.
Annex A gives the non-technical and technical abstracts. The non-technical abstracts are usually brief. In these abstracts, the number of technical terms are kept to a minimum. They give brief outlines of the actual documents. The technical abstracts are somewhat longer. More technical terms are used. The technical abstracts also go more into depth with regard to the content and the use of the actual document than the non-technical abstracts. For many documents, the two abstracts supplement each other.
Annex B lists the committee drafts, working drafts and new work item proposals in the ISO/TC 69 work program.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 13425:2003


ISO/TR 13425:2006
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Jul 22, 2011