ISO/NP 24468

Praseodymium-neodymium metal

General information

10.60 Close of voting   Dec 25, 2023


ISO/TC 298 Rare earth

International Standard


The standard proposed in this proposal will include six grades of praseodymium neodymium metal raw materials. The focus is on delineating the composition of praseodymium and neodymium elements in rare earth praseodymium neodymium metals, as well as the content range of other important rare earth element impurities and non rare earth element impurities. Based on the proportion of the main element praseodymium to neodymium in the metal, the situation of impurity elements, and considering the actual use status of praseodymium neodymium metal worldwide, as well as the control requirements for impurity elements, six grades of praseodymium neodymium metal are formulated. The analysis and testing methods for the corresponding elements listed in the brand are based on the current international standards (under development), such as ICP and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analysis.

Life cycle


ISO/NP 24468
10.60 Close of voting
Dec 25, 2023