ISO/CD 18958

Glass in building — Interlayer films for laminated glass and laminated safety glass ISO/CD 18958

General information

30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS   May 29, 2024


ISO/TC 160 Glass in building

International Standard

81.040.20   Glass in building


This document specifies the composition, tolerances and characteristics, i.e. mechanical, acoustic, optical and thermal properties, of folio interlayers for the manufacturing of laminated glass and laminated safety glass for use in buildings and construction works and it defines their general quality criteria.

NOTE In some countries, “film” is used instead of “folio”.

This document does not apply to interlayers for laminated glass which are achieved by pouring the interlayer material in liquid state on or between the plies of glass or plastic glazing sheet material generally followed by drying or chemical or ultraviolet curing.

Life cycle


ISO/CD 18958
30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS
May 29, 2024


Adopted from EN 17940:2025