95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Aug 14, 2009
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
International Standard
35.100.01 Open systems interconnection in general
ISO/IEC 9834-1:2005:
specifies a Registration-Hierarchical-name-tree (RH-name-tree), which is a generic tree structure for allocations made by Registration Authorities, and the ASN.1 object identifier tree, which is a specific instance of the RH-name-tree;
registers the three top-level arcs of the ASN.1 object identifier tree;
specifies procedures which are generally applicable to registration in the context of an RH-name-tree;
provides guidelines for the establishment and operation of International Registration Authorities;
provides guidelines for additional International Standards which reference the procedures in ISO/IEC 9834-1:2005.
ISO/IEC 9834-1:2005 does not exclude or disallow the use of any syntactic forms of names or any naming domains for registration purposes provided that the domains ensure non-ambiguity within their scope. It is intended to cover those cases in which the registration-hierarchical-name is appropriate. Information about registration for specific objects is contained in separate International Standards.
ISO/IEC 9834-1:2005 applies to registration by International Standards, by International Registration Authorities, and by any other Registration Authority.
ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993
ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993/Amd 1:1997
ISO/IEC 9834-1:1993/Amd 2:1998
ISO/IEC 9834-1:2005
Withdrawal of Standard
Aug 14, 2009
ISO/IEC 9834-1:2008