90.92 Standard to be revised Dec 19, 2023
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
International Standard
35.100.01 Open systems interconnection in general
ISO/IEC 22536:2013 is part of a suite of standards that specify tests for ISO/IEC 18092. It defines test methods for the RF-interface. ISO/IEC 22536:2013 specifies RF-test methods for NFCIP-1 devices with antennas fitting within the rectangular area of 50 mm by 40 mm.
This test standard, the first of two parts, specifies compliance tests for the RF interface of ISO/IEC 18092 devices. The companion test standard ISO/IEC 23917 specifies protocol tests for ISO/IEC 18092.
ISO/IEC 22536:2005
ISO/IEC 22536:2013
Standard to be revised
Dec 19, 2023
ISO/IEC CD 22536