95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Dec 8, 2023
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
International Standard
35.100.10 Physical layer
ISO/IEC 18092:2013 defines communication modes for Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol (NFCIP 1) using inductive coupled devices operating at the centre frequency of 13,56 MHz for interconnection of computer peripherals. It also defines both the Active and the Passive communication modes of Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol (NFCIP-1) to realize a communication network using Near Field Communication devices for networked products and also for consumer equipment. ISO/IEC 18092:2013 specifies, in particular, modulation schemes, codings, transfer speeds, and frame format of the RF interface, as well as initialization schemes and conditions required for data collision control during initialization. Furthermore, ISO/IEC 18092:2013 defines a transport protocol including protocol activation and data exchange methods.
ISO/IEC 18092:2004
ISO/IEC 18092:2013
Withdrawal of Standard
Dec 8, 2023
ISO/IEC 18092:2013/Cor 1:2015
ISO/IEC 18092:2023