95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Oct 25, 2006
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Data management and interchange
International Standard
35.060 Languages used in information technology
ISO/IEC 13249-6:2002 specifies an interface for data mining to enable standard access to and storage and manipulation of typical data structures in data mining.
ISO/IEC 13249-6:2002 specifies
user-defined types for the four major data mining functionsassociation rules,clustering,classification,and regression,routines to manipulate these user-defined types to allowsetting parameters for mining activities,training of mining models,testing of mining models,and application of mining models,user-defined types for data structures common across these data mining functions to capture metadata for data mining input.
ISO/IEC 13249-6:2002 provides for interchange of data mining models so that models built on one system can be imported and deployed in other environments.
ISO/IEC 13249-6:2002
Withdrawal of Standard
Oct 25, 2006
ISO/IEC 13249-6:2006