60.60 Standard published Dec 4, 2024
ISO/TC 71/SC 6 Non-traditional reinforcing materials for concrete structures
International Standard
91.100.30 Concrete and concrete products | 83.120 Reinforced plastics
This document specifies the test method for the load-displacement curves of fibre-reinforced cementitious composites (FRCC) by three-point loading of notched prisms. The main purpose of this test is to evaluate the tension softening curve of FRCC.
NOTE 1 Both crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) and load point displacement (LPD) are specified as the displacement in load-displacement curves, but measurement of both might not be necessary. Either can be selected depending on the purpose of measurement.
NOTE 2 Three-point bending test using notched specimen generally provides higher results than those observed in four-point bending test, in which the fracture occurs at the weakest point of the specimen.
ISO 19044:2016
ISO 19044:2024
Standard published
Dec 4, 2024