ISO/ASTM 51607:2004 covers materials description, dosimeter preparation, instrumentation, and procedures for using the alanine-EPR dosimetry system for measuring the absorbed dose in the photon and electron irradiation processing of materials. The system is based on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of free radicals derived from the amino acid alanine. ISO/ASTM 51607:2004 covers alanine-EPR dosimetry systems for dose measurements under the following conditions:
The absorbed dose range is between 1 and 105 Gy. The absorbed dose rate is up to 102 Gy/s for continuous radiation fields and up to 5 × 107 Gy/s for pulsed radiation fields. The radiation energy for photons and electrons is between 0,1 and 28 MeV. The irradiation temperature is between - 60 °C and + 90 °C.
ISO/ASTM 51607:2004 does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use.
ISO/ASTM 51607:2002
ISO/ASTM 51607:2004
Withdrawal of Standard
May 15, 2013
ISO/ASTM 51607:2013