ISO/ASTM 51026:2015

Practice for using the Fricke dosimetry system ISO/ASTM 51026:2015

Publication date:   Jul 7, 2015

General information

95.60 Close of voting   Jan 3, 2025


ISO/TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection

International Standard

17.240   Radiation measurements



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ISO/ASTM 51026:2015 practice covers the procedures for preparation, testing and using the acidic aqueous ferrous ammonium sulfate solution dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose to water when exposed to ionizing radiation. The system consists of a dosimeter and appropriate analytical instrumentation. The system will be referred to as the Fricke dosimetry system. The Fricke dosimetry system may be used as either a reference standard dosimetry system or a routine dosimetry system.

Life cycle


ISO/ASTM 51026:2015
95.60 Close of voting
Jan 3, 2025