ISO 9836:2011

Performance standards in building — Definition and calculation of area and space indicators

Publication date:   Sep 30, 2011

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Sep 8, 2017

General information

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Sep 8, 2017


ISO/TC 59/SC 15 Framework for the description of housing performance

International Standard

91.040.01   Buildings in general



PDF - €78.65




ISO 9836:2011 deals with the definition and calculation of surface area and volume indicators.
In defining area measurement, ISO 9836:2011 uses three measurement concepts:

the intra-muros and extra-muros concept used in many parts of the world;
the wall centre method of measurement used in many parts of the world;
variations on these methods to comply with certain national laws, or for particular types of buildings.

The surface area and volume indicators defined in ISO 9836:2011 are intended for practical use, as a basis for measuring various aspects of the performance of buildings or as a planning aid. In other words, they should enable judgement to be made on functional, technical and economic aspects of buildings.
ISO 9836:2011 is intended to be used when establishing:

specifications for the geometric performance of a building and its spaces (e.g. in design, purchasing procedures, etc., or in building regulations where appropriate);
technical documentation relating to the performance of whole buildings prepared by designers, contractors and manufacturers;
the amount of floor area that will not be effectively available for the placement of an individual's workplace, furniture, equipment, or for circulation;
evaluation, comparison or control of the properties of a building which are connected to its geometric performance.

Life cycle


ISO 9836:1992


ISO 9836:2011
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Sep 8, 2017


ISO 9836:2017