95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Feb 5, 2021
ISO/TC 188 Small craft
International Standard
47.080 Small craft
ISO 8469:2013 specifies general requirements and physical tests for non-fire-resistant hoses for conveying petrol or petrol blended with ethanol and diesel fuel or diesel fuel blended with FAME, designed for a working pressure not exceeding 0,34 MPa for hoses with inner diameter up to and including 10 mm and 0,25 MPa for hoses up to 63 mm inner diameter in craft of hull length up to 24 m.
It applies to hoses for small craft with permanently installed fuel systems.
Specifications for fire-resistant hoses are given in ISO 7840. Specifications for permanently installed fuel systems are given in ISO 10088.
ISO 8469:2006
ISO 8469:2013
Withdrawal of Standard
Feb 5, 2021
ISO 8469:2013/CD Amd 1
ISO 8469:2021