ISO 7581:2023

Evaluation of bactericidal activity of a non-porous antimicrobial surface used in a dry environment ISO 7581:2023

Publication date:   Dec 6, 2023

General information

60.60 Standard published   Dec 6, 2023


ISO/TC 330

International Standard

07.100.99   Other standards related to microbiology



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This document specifies the test conditions and the levels of activity to determine the bactericidal activity of non-porous surfaces used in a dry environment. It defines a protocol to validate the bactericidal character of a surface and to measure its performance. It is not intended to be used to substantiate cleaning or disinfecting properties.
This document is applicable to surfaces claiming to have an activity against vegetative bacteria. The obligatory test conditions are defined in this document. It does not apply to porous surfaces.
It does not refer to methods for testing the toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of the surfaces. This document is used to measure bactericidal action, not bacteriostatic activity of a surface.

Life cycle


ISO 7581:2023
60.60 Standard published
Dec 6, 2023