60.60 Standard published Jun 26, 2024
ISO/TC 92/SC 2 Fire containment
International Standard
91.140.30 Ventilation and air-conditioning systems | 13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements
This document specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of vertical and horizontal ventilation ducts under standardized fire conditions. The test examines the behaviour of ducts exposed to fire from the outside (duct A) and fire inside the duct (duct B). This document is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 834-1.
This document is not applicable to:
a) ducts whose fire resistance depends on the fire resistance performance of a ceiling;
b) ducts containing fire dampers at points where they pass through fire separations;
c) doors of inspection openings, unless included in the duct to be tested;
d) two-sided or three-sided ducts;
e) the fixing of suspension devices to floors or walls;
f) kitchen extract ducts (see ISO 6944-2).
NOTE Annex A provides general guidance and gives background information.
ISO 6944-1:2024
Standard published
Jun 26, 2024