95.99 Withdrawal of Standard May 25, 2012
ISO/TC 45/SC 2 Testing and analysis
International Standard
83.060 Rubber
ISO 2782:2006 describes two procedures for measuring the permeability of rubber to gases under steady-state conditions. One uses a horizontal measuring device for measurements at constant pressure and the other uses a vertical measuring device for measurements at constant volume or constant pressure. The results obtained by these procedures may be extrapolated to thicknesses of material different from that of the test piece providing the rubber is homogeneous and isotropic.
The procedures apply to solid rubber of hardness not less than 35 IRHD and to gases such as air, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, liquefied petroleum gas (in gaseous form) and coal gas. Errors may be introduced if the gas used appreciably swells the rubber under test.
ISO 2782:1995
ISO 2782:2006
Withdrawal of Standard
May 25, 2012