95.99 Withdrawal of Standard Apr 20, 2018
ISO/TC 161 Controls and protective devices for gas and/or oil
International Standard
27.060.20 Gas fuel burners
ISO 23550:2011 specifies safety, constructional and performance requirements and testing of safety control or regulating devices and sub-assemblies or fittings for burners and gas-burning appliances using such fuel gases as natural gas, manufactured gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). It is not applicable to corrosive and waste gases.
ISO 23550:2011 is applicable to the following controls: automatic shut-off valves; burner controls; flame supervision devices; gas/air ratio controls; pressure regulators; manual taps; mechanical thermostats; multifunctional controls; pressure-sensing devices; valve-proving systems; zero regulators.
The test methods given in ISO 23550:2011 are intended for product type testing. Tests intended for production testing are not specifically included.
ISO 23550:2011
Withdrawal of Standard
Apr 20, 2018
ISO 23550:2011/Amd 1:2015
ISO 23550:2018