60.60 Standard published Jun 21, 2023
ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics
International Standard
35.240.70 IT applications in science
This document defines a coverage processing language for server-side extraction, filtering, processing, analytics, and fusion of multi-dimensional geospatial coverages representing, for example, spatio-temporal sensor, image, simulation, or statistics datacubes. Services implementing this language provide access to original or derived sets of coverage information, in forms that are useful for client-side consumption.
This document relies on the ISO 19123-1 abstract coverage model. In this edition, regular and irregular multi-dimensional grids are supported for axes that can carry spatial, temporal or any other semantics. Future editions will additionally support further axis types as well as further coverage types from ISO 19123-1, specifically, point clouds and meshes.
ISO 19123-3:2023
Standard published
Jun 21, 2023