ISO 17456:2006

Plastics piping systems — Multilayer pipes — Determination of long-term strength ISO 17456:2006

Publication date:   Oct 3, 2006

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Sep 3, 2020


ISO/TC 138/SC 5 General properties of pipes, fittings and valves of plastic materials and their accessories -- Test methods and basic specifications

International Standard

23.040.20   Plastics pipes



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ISO 17456:2006 specifies two alternative methods for determining the long-term hydrostatic strength of multilayer pipes: a calculation method applicable to multilayer P pipes (all polymer layers) and a test method applicable to both multilayer P and multilayer M pipes (polymer and metal layers).
It is not applicable to pipes consisting of one polymeric stress-designed layer or having an outside polymeric layer that is not stress-designed.

Life cycle


ISO 17456:2006
90.93 Standard confirmed
Sep 3, 2020