95.99 Withdrawal of Standard May 24, 2021
ISO/TC 282/SC 1 Treated wastewater reuse for irrigation
International Standard
ISO 16075-3:2015 covers the system's components needed for the use of TWW for irrigation which relate to various pressure and open irrigation systems specifically drip irrigation as this method represents an efficient method of water delivery and water saving. Despite the fact that water quality and filtration of treated wastewater (herein TWW) using drip irrigation are critical, open irrigation systems are more popular and are frequently used for irrigation with TWW and therefore are covered in this part of ISO 16075.
ISO 16075-3:2015 will cover the issues related to the main components of a TWW irrigation project, including the following:
pumping station;
storage reservoirs;
treatment facilities (for irrigation purposes): filtration and disinfection;
distribution pipeline network;
water application devices: irrigation system components and treatment.
ISO 16075-3:2015
Withdrawal of Standard
May 24, 2021
ISO 16075-3:2021