ISO 15741:2016

Paints and varnishes — Friction-reduction coatings for the interior of on- and offshore steel pipelines for non-corrosive gases ISO 15741:2016

Publication date:   Nov 14, 2016

General information

90.93 Standard confirmed   Mar 18, 2022


ISO/TC 35/SC 14 Protective paint systems for steel structures

International Standard

87.020   Paint coating processes



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ISO 15741:2016 specifies requirements and methods of test for liquid epoxy paints and internal coatings of such paints in steel pipes and fittings for the conveyance of non-corrosive gas. It also deals with the application of the paint. Other paints or paint systems are not excluded provided they comply with the requirements given in ISO 15741:2016. The coating consists of one layer, which is normally shop-applied on blast-cleaned steel by airless spray or other suitable spraying techniques. The applied and cured paint film must be smooth to give the desired reduction in friction. Brush application is only used for small repair jobs.

Life cycle


ISO 15741:2001


ISO 15741:2016
90.93 Standard confirmed
Mar 18, 2022