ISO 15586:2003

Water quality — Determination of trace elements using atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace ISO 15586:2003

Publication date:   Oct 8, 2003

General information

90.60 Close of review   Mar 5, 2025


ISO/TC 147/SC 2 Physical, chemical and biochemical methods

International Standard

13.060.50   Examination of water for chemical substances



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ISO 15586:2003 includes principles and procedures for the determination of trace levels of: Ag, Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, and Zn in surface water, ground water, drinking water, wastewater and sediments, using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization in a graphite furnace. The method is applicable to the determination of low concentrations of elements.
The detection limit of the method for each element depends on the sample matrix as well as of the instrument, the type of atomizer and the use of chemical modifiers. For water samples with a simple matrix (i.e. low concentration of dissolved solids and particles), the method detection limits will be close to instrument detection limits. The minimum acceptable detection limit values for a 20-microlitre sample volume are specified.

Life cycle


ISO 15586:2003
90.60 Close of review
Mar 5, 2025